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Life Coach FAQs

“Before starting coaching with Kristen, I looked at my life through the lens of fear. I feared the future, I doubted my abilities, I worried about my relationships, and I anticipated the worst out of others and myself. I knew that I had so much potential for happiness in my life but I had no idea how to achieve it. Now, I feel confident that no matter what comes my way, I have the ability to make it through with the tools and light that Kristen has shared with me.”  - TC 

I get asked a lot of questions about my work as a life coach... I want to answer some of the most common questions I get here!

Let’s dive in…

What is a life coach and why would I want one? Coaching is different from just venting to a friend. As a trained life coach, I help my clients strengthen their relationships and create a joyful, purpose-filled life. In a coaching session we talk about what matters most to you. We work through your feelings of overwhelm, resentment, anxiety, or confusion. Coaching helps you to see problems from a new perspective, allowing you to feel more hope and clarity - empowered to create the life and relationships you really want. 

What is the difference between a life coach and a therapist?  When you have an acute physical malady that needs a diagnosis and possible treatment, often you choose to see a physician. Likewise, when you have an acute mental or emotional condition or trauma that requires diagnosis or medication you should consult a therapist.  

A life coach is comparable to a physical therapist or a personal trainer. These professionals help you physically get stronger and function at a higher capacity. When you understand who you are, the personal power you have within, and you take aligned action that is based on truth and love, your life changes. This is what I help you do.

What is the difference between talking together as friends and hiring you as a life coach? I am a safe space to discuss those things that you don’t want to talk about with other people. Your sister will still have to sit at Sunday dinner with your husband after you told her about his porn usage. Your mother may not be the right person to help you process your emotions about your child who is LGBTQ. As a coach, I am trained to be objective and help you to access your own inner wisdom without shame or judgment. We all need extra support at different times in our lives. And you can rest assured that I take your privacy very seriously and your story will stay your story.   

What can I expect to get out of our session?  Hope, awareness, clarity, and how to move forward. Feeling empowered and a true sense of peace are often mentioned by my clients. There can be subtle shifts during the session that change the way you see things, but often there is a powerful realization that completely changes your perspective. Progress happens between the sessions when you are practicing the tools in your everyday life.  

What would I get coached on?  You can bring anything to our session. Nothing is too big or too small. Sometimes the smallest incident can help you uncover the most challenging beliefs you are holding on to. What is keeping you up at night? What is one thing you wish you could change? How do you talk to yourself?  What relationship do you struggle with the most? Are you anxious or overwhelmed?  We can talk about it all. 

What does a session look like?  Calls are held weekly over Zoom and last 50-60 minutes. We start with a 12-session package. That seems to give my clients time to dive deep and see results. I have clients who do 12 sessions and it feels complete to them and others who like the regular support and continue with a customized package.  

Why would I choose you over someone else? Every coach has a unique flavor of coaching. You want to find someone you trust and feel comfortable with. If you're a person of faith, I love to connect the teachings of Christ with self-help. And if you prefer not to go there, I am good with that too. I have trained with The Life Coaching School, Jody Moore, and Brooke Snow. I like to focus on whole-soul wellness that addresses the mind, body, and spirit.  

How much does it cost? The 12-session package is $1,000. It can be split into 2 payments of $500.

Can I refer my friends and family to you? Yes! I love referrals.  My clientele has grown by word of mouth.  Send them my way and I will take good care of them (and do a little something for you too- think gift cards or free sessions).  Maybe even forward this email to that friend who you think it could help.

How would I know if coaching is for me?  Come try it out! I think the best way to know if this is the right path for you right now is to experience a session with me. Let's meet for a complimentary 60-minute session. This is not a sales call. There will not be any pressure to work with me. 


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